This was the easiest thing I've made. We had everything on hand to make the extract:
- Re-used bottle from vanilla a friend gave us
- Vanilla beans from our son
- Vodka from friends who moved out of the country—they gifted us all their liquor
Vodka is the liquor of choice because it has no flavor. But some like to use bourbon, brandy or rum, feeling that it enhances the flavor of the brewing vanilla.
Vanilla Extract
8 oz glass bottle with stopper
7 vanilla beans (package contains about 30)
1 C Vodka, 70 proof/35% alcohol (bourbon, brandy or rum can also be used)
1. Slice the beans lenght-wise and drop into the bottle.
2. Pour the cup of vodka (or liquor of choice) into the bottle making sure the beans are fully submerged.
3. Secure the top tightly and place out of direct sunlight at room temperature.
4. Store for 8 weeks giving it a hearty shake once or twice a week.
Easy peasy lemon squeezie! At the end of 8 weeks you have luscious and delicious vanilla that you made yourself.
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What have you done for a DIY home project? Feel free to share your latest with us in the comments.

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