My husband and I enjoyed al fresco dining with several friends last evening where we supped on various salads brought by attendees. We made new friends and caught up with longtime friends. Wanting to bring something I could eat (my diet makes it tough at potlucks... even a salad potluck) and get some good protein, I brought my Sprouted Bean Trio Salad. I made a double...
Monday, June 27, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
The Four Roots of Optimum Wellness
Friday, June 24, 2011
Attitude, diet, exercise, health tips, sleep
root n. 1 Part of a plant that provides support, draws water and nourishment, and stores food.
2 Source of action. 3 An essential part.
Let's review what I've addressed in separate blog posts about how to achieve optimum wellness. I believe there are four essential parts to being healthy. I call them roots. If you make healthy choices in each root area,...
Monday, June 20, 2011
Swiss Chard with Olives Salad Recipe
I'm getting back to the swing of things after vacation and our fast, frivolous and totally fun anniversary day-trip to Yosemite. Time to get you some more recipes. I have a backlog of recipes to share, but they are not organized and written out. Starting from the top of the stack, we have Swiss Chard with Olives.
I regularly buy greens like Swiss chard for my...
Friday, June 17, 2011
Why Avoid GMO Foods?
Friday, June 17, 2011
GMO, health tips
The majority of corn, soy, canola (rapeseed) and cotton seed crops are GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms). Because that makes the food un-natural, I consider GMO corn or soy an artificial food/ingredient. Removing artificial ingredients from the diet is a major step in making healthy eating choices. If that's not enough to convince you to avoid GMO foods, let's dig further.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Happy Results
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Real life stories
I just woke up (at 3:30 PM) from my post-operative exhaustion after my colonoscopy (and endoscopy). Made myself a veggie shake and now sitting at my laptop to give you the results.
I'm eager to report the endoscopy was fine—I didn't expect any issues there. The colonoscopy was clean except for one small 4mm polyp (about 1/8 inch). The doctor expects the polyp...
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Today Is Prep Day
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
cancer-fighting, health tips
The Fast
Tomorrow is my next colonoscopy—my sixth in 2 years and 9 months. So the only thing I'll be eating today is what's in that cup. Green tea or vegetable broth. As I type this post, after two cups of tea, I can already feel the hunger that begins to consume the body. I feel weak. I have learned to forgo my morning run on my prep days. That tends to really wipe me ...
Monday, June 13, 2011
Attitude: Vacation Wrap-Up
Monday, June 13, 2011
Attitude, diet, health tips, Real life stories, travel
Photo by Mike Eisenhard
Back from a refreshing break in three national parks, I'm diving in slowly, but I first want to give you a peek at our awesome trip.
Places To Go ~ Things We Saw
Starting with Zion National Park in Southwest Utah, the neat and upscale town of Springdale invites travelers to the entrance of this majestic, wow-factor, geologic wonder—my favorite...