Roots to optimum wellness

4 Roots of Optimum Wellness

There are four essential parts to being healthy: Diet, Exercise, Sleep & Attitude.

Elixxir Herbal Extract

Vitae Elixxir Healing Herbs

A proprietary combination of ten disease-fighting herbs used for more than 40 years and helping thousands of people with serious health issues.


Books by Author & Health Coach Chris Pedersen

In a world of adventure and imagination, kids’ books in print and digital that encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Tips to lose weight

6 Tips to Lose Weight

Don’t count calories—take a serious look at the food you want to eat, then ask, ”Is this something that will give my body good health?”

Thursday, May 31, 2012

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Last night we enjoyed the first salad from our garden. Two kinds of lettuce, two kinds of kale, radishes and chard. I added a pear cut into pieces and tossed it with a splash of balsamic vinegar and two tablespoons of homemade vinaigrette. It was delicious and very healthy!

The garden is loosely based on Mel Bartholomew's Square Foot Gardening technique. We bought a raised bed cedar kit from Craig's List, which came pre-drilled with all the necessary hardware. After choosing an appropriate location, we set-up the structure and filled it with custom mixed soil: equal parts of compost, peat moss and vermiculite (key to keeping moisture in the soil).

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Restaurant Review: Flora's Field Kitchen

Flora's Field Kitchen, Cabo, Mexico
A trip to Los Cabos Mexico means a perfect get-away during the cold and rainy Northern California winter (and spring this year... okay, I admit we don't know what cold is in California). Exploring new beaches, side roads and taco joints is a favorite pastime while we warm-up in the sunshine of Mexico. On our most recent trip to Cabo, we discovered a wonderful place to eat outside of San Jose Del Cabo called Flora Farms. The organic working farm provides food for the restaurant Flora's Field Kitchen and a small farmer's market setup next to the al fresco dining area.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Sweet Apple Yellow Curry Soup

Sweet Apple Yellow Curry Soup
Who doesn't love yellow curry anything. Recently I enjoyed a yellow curry soup at Sprouts Natural Foods Cafe a block from the beach in South Lake Tahoe on Hwy 50. I loved it so much I used my napkin to write down all the ingredients in it, telling my lunch mates I would be recreating this delicious soup.

So here it is! Simple and full of flavor.