Wearing t-shirts that express our message, MAAM participants will hand out information flyers to adults and pass out stickers and organic lollipops to kids.
I'll be marching in the Carmichael July 4th parade, beginning at 10:30 AM on Fair Oaks at Marconi. Look for me as I connect and share about health and freedom. Learning about GMOs and the importance of labeling brings knowledge that could have an effect on the behavior of a child, the memory of an elderly family member or the reaction of an allergic child.
"I am marching for the future of food, the health of our children and national right to know what is in our food." Zen Honeycutt, Founder MAAMoms buy 85% of the food. We need them to know about GMOs. Tomorrow thousands of caring moms will let them know.
What are you doing for July 4th?
Post-Parade Update
It was a day of 100+ degrees and enough humidity to coat the skin with sweat, but the hardy group (about 30) that braved the conditions and came out to walk the parade route were dedicated and enthusiastic about getting the message out. Crowds that lined the street were very receptive to our message. We got many cheers and clapping from groups that were clearly in the know about GMOs. But the majority seemed unaware and gladly accepted the information we handed out.

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