Getting slapped across the face by an animated RN speaking to a fellow nurse as I was led to my curtained gurney in the pre/post op room, lined with waiting or recovering patients…
Three needle pricks before getting a good vein for the IV…
Waiting over an hour before being wheeled into the room for the procedures…
Feeling the sleep-inducing sedative wash over my body while I heard attendants and doctor chatter about Miley Cyrus' behavior…
Reacting to the pain of an instrument shoved into my colon before the drugs took full effect…
Waking in a drug-induced stupor wondering am I done?…
Loopy, curled up and back within the curtained area of the pre/post op room, my husband now by my side, the nurse reports... doctor removed 13 polyps…
Feeling numbed by the report…
Wanting to know more details…
Today I grapple with the wait. Hoping, praying that the pathology comes back small sizes (no bigger than 6mm) and benign (no pre-cancer or cancer).
A little trinket brought back from our trip to Haiti in 2005 caught my attention. Bob and I went to Haiti to visit our Compassion sponsored child, Whatline, and met 3-year-old Jorkaeff whom we now sponsor. This wooden carved bell bears an inscription that brings a valuable perspective. One I needed to hear.
No one listens to the cry of the poor or the sound of a wooden bell ~InscriptionBefore that I read this from scripture: Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless. ~Ecclesiastes 1:2
I got it! I hope you all can see.

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