Roots to optimum wellness

4 Roots of Optimum Wellness

There are four essential parts to being healthy: Diet, Exercise, Sleep & Attitude.

Elixxir Herbal Extract

Vitae Elixxir Healing Herbs

A proprietary combination of ten disease-fighting herbs used for more than 40 years and helping thousands of people with serious health issues.


Books by Author & Health Coach Chris Pedersen

In a world of adventure and imagination, kids’ books in print and digital that encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Tips to lose weight

6 Tips to Lose Weight

Don’t count calories—take a serious look at the food you want to eat, then ask, ”Is this something that will give my body good health?”

Friday, February 21, 2014

Exercise: Begin Now & Keep Moving

Exercise: Begin Now & Keep Moving
Exercise is one of the four roots of optimum wellness, but too few of us treat exercise as important for health. How many tell themselves they are too old to start exercise—that's for young people. Well… tell that to Olga Kotelko, who, at 94, began exercising at the age of 77 and hasn't stopped. She is so into exercise that she competes in senior track and field events and has amassed a collection of 200 medals.

Exercise is a key part of a healthy lifestyle. Along with diet, sleep and attitude it's a root to good health. Exercise contributes to being and staying healthy. So what motivates you to get out and exercise? For me, its knowing I feel so much better when I exercise.

My main source of exercise is running. I really don't like running, but I know its a quick way to get exercise with the most benefit. I currently run at a small lake about a mile from my house. The residents keep it interesting—copious Canada geese, a few mallard ducks and groups of coots are visited regularly by several swans, a couple of cranes and sometimes a bald eagle.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wisdom Wednesday

For Valentine's Day, don't fall for chocolates that are loaded with sugar, which contributes to the risk of dying from heart disease. Love your sweetheart by making them healthy, yummy chocolates for Valentine's Day:

Friday, February 7, 2014

Tabouli Salad

Tabouli Salad
Fellow clean eater, Jennie Zraick, often comes up with some simple and delicious recipes. She recently responded to a request to post her Tabouli salad recipe. Like me, Jennie needed to measure out the ingredients since she normally eye-balls the ingredients in true KISS fashion. The Tabouli salad can be modified to your taste, so feel free to experiment.

Cutting herbs with multi-blade scissorsA key tool she swears by is the multi-blade scissors. It makes quick work of chopping up herbs making it her favorite kitchen tool. Here's a link if you want to purchase one: multi-blade herb scissors.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Road to Health Comes Down to Diet

Bad Food = Sick Bodies
It amazes me how people can get a diagnosis of cancer and NOT look at the diet they have been eating as a problem. The more I learn about the human body, the more I am in awe of my Creator.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14a
It’s clear to me that our bodies were created to withstand a lot of abuse. There is no man-made thing that would survive the analogous ill-treatment some dish-out to their bodies. Artificial ingredients, hydrogenated oils, chemical sugars… the list of unpronounceable items is endless.

How long would you expect your car to work if you put junk in your gas tank?