Roots to optimum wellness

4 Roots of Optimum Wellness

There are four essential parts to being healthy: Diet, Exercise, Sleep & Attitude.

Elixxir Herbal Extract

Vitae Elixxir Healing Herbs

A proprietary combination of ten disease-fighting herbs used for more than 40 years and helping thousands of people with serious health issues.


Books by Author & Health Coach Chris Pedersen

In a world of adventure and imagination, kids’ books in print and digital that encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Tips to lose weight

6 Tips to Lose Weight

Don’t count calories—take a serious look at the food you want to eat, then ask, ”Is this something that will give my body good health?”

Friday, July 25, 2014

Raw Yam Salad with Sweet Corn & Black Beans

Besides making juice and smoothies to eat my partially raw food diet, I make lots of raw salads. These are not your lettuce salads. I'm talking raw cut-up vegetables that most people would not think of eating raw. But why not raw?

This salad is inspired by one I had with cooked yams. But yams are so yummy raw and they provide a crunch, which I love. So here you go—add another raw veggie salad to your salad recipe file.

Friday, July 18, 2014

How to Change a Bully

Ethan Blecher Braves a Bully chapter book
Many of you know I'm a children's author and today I'm pleased to announce my latest book, Ethan Blecher Braves a Bully, is officially launched. Volume 1 of this new series with Ethan Blecher navigates the struggles every child might encounter in elementary school. Parents and teachers will appreciate that it's a fun read for kids, but not irreverent.

Our "every child" hero finds himself the focus of a bully in his new school. His parents decide to send him to spring camp hoping he will make some friends, but the outlook turns terrifying when his nemesis shows up. Find out if Ethan's fearful attitude and shy nature get the best of him or will he muster some courage and stand up to the bully?

Monday, July 14, 2014

Three Bean Salad

Three Bean Salad
My green beans are producing enough for a meal every day. Unfortunately those lengthy legumes are hard to spot amongst like-colored foliage. Plus foraging through the greenery, my arms get a bit chafed from the leaves. Lots of veggies have nasty little prickles on them that can scratch and poke at you.

The best part of those green delights? ... the plants were completely volunteer this year. That's the bonus of composting and then working the lovely completed soil into the garden in early spring.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Acid vs Alkaline in the Body—Is it Important?

Why should I be concerned about foods that make my body acidic?

Does that mean I shouldn't eat oranges or lemons?

What's this acid vs alkaline thing all about anyway?

It's likely the last time you heard the word pH was in high school chemistry and it set your head spinning. You've probably never heard that your body's pH level is important for good health. So let me try to make the subject clear for you.
  1. You want your body to be alkaline. A neutral pH is 7.5 (neither acidic nor alkaline). Anything below that is acidic and not good for your body. The foods you eat contribute to your body being either acidic or alkaline.
  2. Your body strives to be alkaline. Your body seeks to be alkaline by drawing on alkaline-forming minerals. Where does your body get these alkaline-forming minerals?... Your bones! Calcium is leached from your bones to balance the acidic environment, attempting to become more alkaline. Not a good scenario—can you say osteoporosis?
  3. An acidic body is susceptible to disease. An acid body puts stress on your system, disrupting sleep, decreasing cellular energy and increasing free-radicals. Bacteria and viruses love an acid environment—they thrive and grow. Been sick lately?
  4. Research shows cancer cannot survive in an alkaline body. Wondering why the war on cancer has failed miserably? It's the acid-forming diet, the Standard American Diet (SAD) consisting of too much meat, dairy and artificial ingredients.
  5. Eliminate acid-forming foods. The number one cause of an overly acidic system is acid-forming foods. It contributes to America's primary health issues—excessive weight and inflammation, which is the genesis of all disease.
  6. Eat more alkaline-forming foods to increase pH. It's easy to make healthy choices to eat alkaline-forming foods. If you concentrate on eating mostly a plant-based diet you'll be on target.
Alkaline-forming Foods
  • Vegetables: Asparagus, Beets, Bell peppers, Broccoli, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Chicory, Cucumbers, Leafy greens, Sprouts (all types), Zucchini
  • Pseudo-grains: Buckwheat, Millet, Quinoa, Amaranth, Wild and brown rice
  • Fruit: Lemons, Limes, Mangos, Apples, Melons (all types), Avocados, Papayas, Pomegranates, Bananas
  • Seeds: Flax, Hemp, Chia
  • Nuts: Almonds, Chestnuts, Coconut
  • Dairy: Goat milk/cheese, Breast milk
  • Drinks: Green tea, Herbal tea, Lemon water
  • Condiments: Extra virgin olive oil, Apple cider vinegar
Acid-forming Foods
  • Meat: Cold-water fish, Beef, Venison, Pork, Wild game, Poultry, Shellfish
  • Dairy: Cow milk (raw or pasteurized), Cow cheese, Butter/cream
  • Grains: Bread, Corn, Pasta, Wheat, White rice
  • Miscellaneous: Synthetic vitamins, Coffee, Margarine, Peanuts (roasted), Prescription drugs, Soft drinks, Soy protein isolate, Sugar (real or artificial) Whey protein isolate
This list is not exhaustive by any means, but it gives you a guideline to start making healthy eating choices. Does everything you eat have to be alkaline-forming? No. Think balance and be mindful of your eating, always eating more alkaline-forming foods than acid-forming foods.

For those chemistry geeks who want to learn about the body chemistry at work here, check out Understanding Blood pH And Its Critical Role In The Prevention of Cancer.

One more point to clarify. In answer to the question "Can I eat oranges or lemons?" Yes. Alkaline-forming refers to the effect foods have once digested, not the pH of the food outside the body. So eat all the lemons and citrus you like. It's very good for you.

If you're interested in learning more, I recommend The pH Miracle by Robert and Shelley Young.

What new food will you start eating to increase your body's pH to alkaline? Scroll down to leave a comment.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wisdom Wednesday

It's summer time. July 4th festivities. Time for grilling veggies. I found a great recipe in The Costco Connection for vegetable seasoning—perfect for any cooked veggies whether roasting in the toaster oven or grilling on the BBQ.
Vegetable Seasoning
1 tsp dried basil
1 tsp dried tarragon
1 tsp dried chives
1 tsp dried marjoram
1 tsp dried parsley
1/2 tsp dried rosemary
1/2 tsp dried thyme
Makes 2 Tbsp, enough to season 8 servings of vegetables. Make a larger batch and store it in a used, clean spice jar to have on hand for the next time.