Rep. Mike Pompeo is expected to re-introduce the Deny Americans the Right to Know (DARK) Act any day now. This biotech industry-backed bill would not only preempt state efforts to label GMOs, it would make voluntary labeling the law of the land – permanently. In other words, if the DARK Act passes, the fight for mandatory GMO labeling is over.
That’s why this week Just Label It is participating in a national week of action to call on Congress to oppose the DARK Act and support mandatory GE labeling.
Click here to join the movement, contact your representatives in Congress today and push them to reject the DARK Act!
For the past 13 years, the food industry’s voluntary labeling system has failed us. With the exception of Chipotle Mexican Grill, not a single company has disclosed whether its products contain GMO ingredients. Pompeo’s “DARK Act” would lock in this shocking, anti-consumer approach.
Monsanto and others have already spent millions fighting to keep consumers in the dark about GMOs. And with so much more at their disposal, you can bet that Big Food will be pulling out all the stops to get the DARK Act passed this year.
If you're in the dark about the dangers of GMO, check out my post Why Avoid GMO Foods?
Let’s show them that American consumers are louder than these corporate bullies!

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