But first, "What's going on in the photo?" you ask. During the Integrated Health Conference—Cure to Cancer Summit, Kevin, like myself, was interviewed by Ty Bollinger (shown in the photo with Kevin) for the next edition of the Quest for the Cures... Continues. Ty wanted Kevin to tell his amazing story how he healed his prostate cancer with diet, supplements and lifestyle changes in just three months!
Here is the extensive list of Kevin's supplements, which he continues to take. Please note this is not a recommendation for what to take. Every person should do their own research as Kevin has done. The list is for educational use only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
- Acetyl-L-carnitine: 500 mg (supports memory, energy and nerve function)
- Beta-carotene: 25,000 IU (antioxidant to support immune function)
- Beta 1,3D Glucan: 1500 mg (boosts the immune system)
- Beta-Sitosterol Complex: 800 mg (lowers cholesterol, enhances effects of natural killer cells and reduces prostate enlargement)
- Co-enzyme Q10: 400mg
- Curcumin: 500 mg (anti-inflammatory, inhibits cancer and enhances cancer cell death, aka apoptosis)
- Di-indolyl methane (DIM): 200 mg
- Ellagic acid: 50 to 200 mg (inhibits cancer and enhances apoptosis)
- Flaxseed oil: 2500 mg
- Inulin FOS: 750 mg
- Fruit pectin: 3 grams
- Garlic extract: 500 mg
- Glucosamine: 500 mg to 1,000 mg
- L-glutamine: 1,000 mg 2X
- Milk thistle: 600mg 2X (stimulates liver regrowth, inhibits cancer and enhances apoptosis)
- Zinc: 22mg
- Selenium: 800mg
- N-Acetyl Cysteine: 600 mg
- Phosphatidyl serine (PS): 100 mg
- Quercetin: 1000 mg
- Resveratrol: 500mg
- Soy isoflavones: 40 mg of daidzein and genistein
- Vitamin C: 500 mg
- Vitamin D3: 20,000 IU
- Vitamin E: 400 IU
- Vitamin B17 (Leatrile) (safe and effective cancer killer)
- Vitamin B Complex
- Iodine: 225 mcg
- Fulvic/Humic Acid
- Astaxanthin: 12mg
- LDN (low-dose Naltrexone): 5mg
- Cat’s Claw: 1000 mg
- Spirulina/Chlorella
- Reishi, Shitake, Maitake mushrooms
- Alpha Lipoic Acid: 600mg
- Essiac Tea: 2X daily
- Melatonin: 20mg
- Raw Fresh Vegetable Juice w/ Max Vibrance as daily meal replacement
- Noni Juice
- Dandelion root
- Digestive Enzymes
- Probiotics
- Daily green coffee enema (part of Gerson Therapy regimen)

If you have more questions for Kevin, he invites you to contact him at the following address: kb[at]intraderma[dot]net.
Thank you, Kevin, for being an advocate for change in how cancer is treated and healed.

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