Wishing you a Blessed and Merry Christmas. I am grateful for you and your interest in being a healthier self. Looking forward to 2016, let me know what health area you'd like to learn more about—thank you to those I've already heard from. It would be great to hear what you found helpful from Healthy Journey Cafe this past year (scroll past the Related Posts to add your comments).
I'll be taking a break until after the New Year. Enjoy your Christmas and New Year celebrations with family and friends. Remember to be grateful for the blessings you have and share with those in your community who have little.
I'm thankful for my family and the addition of a new daughter-in-law this past June. What a joy! But we also endured the loss of loved ones this year, leaving holes in our lives that are impossible to fill.
Never the less, we have hope because Christmas is about remembering that God became man in a humble stable in Bethlehem over two thousand years ago. The birth of Jesus marks God's long-planned and foretold redemption of man. Jesus Christ changed the course of history, but most importantly he changed my heart. The grace that God extended to me is available to all who desire His gift of eternal life. God only asks for your heart—that's it! He knows we can't be "good enough." He accepts us as we are—torn, tattered and broken. Really.